Moshi kids


Zara Charity is a strong believer of education for empowerment. The Charity has  built a school where children under seven years of age are educated free of charge. The Charity runs the facility with 95 kids, all from the Maasai nomadic pastoralists, The School is the only source of primary education in the area.

  Unlike most rural Tanzanian schools where children attend school with no electricity which is a great limitation on their education Zara Charity has tried to facilitate sustainable lighting solutions for its facilities.  However following an expansion and the need for renovation it needs help to achieve some of its lighting targets for the schools

   New panels and new batteries will be used for Isirwa campus for the classroom (reading and also at the kitchen) and new batteries are needed at Endulen campus(boarding campus) following a malfunction with the old batteries. Our target is USD 4000.  We would be delighted if you joined hands with us by contribuing towards raising funds for our lighting solutions.

  Your contribution will go a long way, greatly improving the level of education for these students, which will give them the essential foundation for a brighter future.